Case Studies

Medical schools across New York are grappling with intense competition for top scientific talent and a shortage of diverse student candidates.
Building Government Support

The state’s medical schools need state investments to attract top scientific talent and support pipeline programs. By leveraging press and engaging champions, AMSNY successfully secured significant funding.

Securing Government Funding for New York’s Medical Schools


Medical schools across New York are grappling with intense competition for top scientific talent and a shortage of diverse student candidates. AMSNY proposed a new fund for recruiting top scientists and sought increased state support for its diversity in medicine pipeline programs.


Secure a new state program to fund investments in the recruitment and retention of top scientific talent and increase state’s support for diversity in medicine pipeline programs.


Secure and deploy a wide range of message surrogates to advocate for the proposed funding.

Media coverage for AMSNY successfully securing significant funding to support pipeline programs.


  • Identified Champions:
    • Faculty, students, and elected officials acted as advocates for the cause.
  • Media Outreach:
    • Deployed champions through local, regional, and state-wide press,including stories, op-eds, letters to the editor, bylined columns, and interviews.
  • Amplification:
    • Boosted press stories’ visibility through social media campaigns, email marketing, and distributing directly to elected officials.
  • Student Advocacy: 
    • Engaged pipeline students in advocacy efforts, working with them to send letters, postcards, and social media thank you posts to their representatives.
  • Press Conferences:
    • Organized  multiple press conferences with the New York State Department of Health (DOH), the primary funding agency, to build support.


Over a span of five years, AMSNY and its associated medical schools successfully secured $30 million in funding for the recruitment and retention of top scientific talent.The state tripled its investment in the diversity in medicine pipeline programs, further promoting the inclusion of diverse student candidates in medical education.

“AMSNY's partnership with Anat over the past ten years has been transformative. Our team at Anat has invested the time to deeply understand our organization and have become an extension of our staff and trusted advisors on communications and strategy.”

JONATHAN TEYAN, Associated Medical Schools of New York.



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